News & Publications
New Research Publications
- Society for Conservation Biology. 2020. Integrating oceans into climate policy: Any green new deal needs a splash of blue. [Garza]
- PLOS ONE. 2020. Early conservation benefits of a de facto marine protected area at San Clemente Island. [Lindholm]
- Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. 2020. Effects of multiple climate change stressors on gene expression in blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus). [Logan]
- Landscape Ecology of Aquatic Systems. 2019. Landscape Ecology in the Rocky Intertidal: Opportunties for Advancing Discovery and Innovation in Intertidal Research. [Garza]
- Ecological Informatics. 2018. Mapping ecological indicators of human impact with statistical and machine learning methods: Tests on the California coast. 48:37-47. [Haupt]
- Coral Reefs. 2018. The Pulley Ridge Deep Reef is Not a Stable Refugia Through Time. CR 37(2): 391-396. [Moore]
- Global Change Biology. 2018. Human impacts decouple a fundamental ecological relationship— The positive association between host diversity and parasite diversity. [Haupt]
- Environ Biol Fish. 2017. Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) habitat association in California: implications for conservation and management. [Bassett, Lindholm, Garza, Kvitek]
- Science Advances. 2017. Genomic models predict successful coral adaptation if future ocean warming rates are reduced. [Logan]
- Marine Sanctuary Conservation Series. 2017. The Spatio-Temporal Mosaic of Scientific Research: A Case Study from Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. [CSUMB Students, Lindholm, DeVogelaere]
- PLOS One. 2017. Species-specific Responses of Juvenile Rockfish to Elevated pCO2. [Logan]
- J. Phycology 53(1) pp. 85-94. 2017. Abiotic Influences on Bicarbonate Use in the Giant Kelp, Macrocystis Pyrifera, in the Monterey Bay. [Nickols]
- Limnol & Oceanogr. 2017. The Relationship Between Observational Scale and Observed Variance in Biological Communities. [Garza]
- Bioscience 67(3): 208-220. 2017. The Resilience of Marine Ecosystems to Climatic Disturbance. [Nickols]
- Proc. R. Soc. B 283: 20160370. 2016. Inverse Approach to Estimating Larval Dispersal Reveals Limited Population Connectivity Along 700 KM of Wave-swept Open Coast. [Nickols]
- Continental Shelf Research 125: 61-70. 2016. Vertical Stratification in the Disturbance of Demersal Fishes Along the Walls of the La Jolla and Scripps Submarine Canyons, California, USA. [Lindholm]
- Ecol. Appl. 2016. Fitting State-Space Integral Projection Models to Size-structured Time Series Data to Estimate Unknown Parameters. [Nickols] SNS Student Theses
Digital Commons @ CSUMB serves as the university's institutional repository for SNS student theses.
Research Reports
- 2109. Monitoring and Evaluation of the PCL Cable in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS). [Lindholm, Bretz, Leggitt]
- 2109. Annual Latitudinal Survey of Subtidal and Intertidal Communities along the California Coast. Submitted to: California State Parks. [Lindholm, CSUMB Students]
- 2109. National Academic of Sciences Consensus Study Reports. (1)A Research Review of Interventions to Increase the Persistence and Resilience of Coral Reefs. (2)A Decision Framework for Interventions to Increase the Persistence and Resilience of Coral Reefs. [Logan + Collaborators]
- 2109. Review of Scienctific Research in and around the Designated Research Area of Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (NW Atlantic), Project 10. ONMS Conservation Series [Lindholm]
- 2017. San Francisco Bay Shallow Water Habitat Mapping Descriptive Report. Submitted to: California Ocean Protection Council and NOAA Office for Coastal Management. [Kvitek, Iampietro, Bretz, Consulo]
- 2018. Research and Management Priorities to Address Sea Star Wasting Syndrome: A Collaborative Strategic Action Plan. [Garza, Academic & State/Federal Agency Collaborators]
- 2016. Monterey Bay Extreme Event Beach Change and High Water Mark Monitoring. Submitted to: FEMA [Kvitek, CSUMB Students]
- 2016. Landscape Ecology of Nearshore Biological Communities Along the California Coast: Results of Visual Census Surveys. Submitted to: California State Parks [Lindholm, CSUMB Students]